Nutrition is the determining factor for a fulfilling sexual life. While eating, substances that affect male power positively and negatively enter the body. It is important to stick to a diet that is based on healthypotency products.
Sexual potency (potentia is translated from Latin as an opportunity) is the physiological and psychological ability of a man to copulate. It is characterized by the speed of appearance and time of maintaining an erection, the duration of coitus. Ejaculation is not a mandatory indicator of the norm, it is determined by the desire of the man and the circumstances.
The potency is affected by the emotional state, diseases, physical activity, abstinence, bad habits. Rest, victory in a fight, a joyful event, complete psychological comfort in a relationship with a sexual partner favors increased production of testosterone. Stress, interpersonal conflicts, overstrain at work negatively affect the potency.
Interruptions in sexual life are harmful if the age of a man has "passed" over the average. Partners cool off towards each other. In young machos who have not communicated with women for a long time, potency increases (after demobilization, a business trip to a sparsely populated area). Having regular sex develops a "sex habit". The body, experiencing excitement, is ready for a natural continuation - a full-fledged sexual intercourse and enjoyment.
Running, hiking and cycling improve blood flow in the pelvic organs, which has a positive effect on erection. Excessive physical activity is undesirable before the "night of love. "
Dishes for potency in different nations
For sexual disorders, the peoples of Siberia and the Far East use ginseng tincture. Complex tonic effect on the body, normalization of pressure, antidepressant effect, low toxicity. The drug enhances libido, the sharpness of sensations during lovemaking. Vessels expand, blood supply to the genital organs improves, which has a beneficial effect on erection. The roots were worth their weight in gold, the places of growth were kept secret, the collection was accompanied by magical rites.
The Japanese value wasabi as a product, the use of which restores and maintains male power.
In China, the most powerful tool for enhancing potency is dog meat dressed with turtle blood and vegetable oil.
Nomadic peoples (Bedouins, Mongols) used rennet (dried camel stomach). A pea-sized piece was consumed before sexual intercourse.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, a place of honor was occupied by "male stew". Boiled meat and bone broth with the addition of vegetables (carrots, turnips, onions), insisted for 30 minutes. Crushed leaves of fresh dandelions and nettles were placed on a plate, poured with soup, seasoned with sour cream.
The Indians prefer the aphrodisiac from roasted sesame and honey, the peoples of Transcaucasia - products from sour milk, the representatives of Central Asia - pistachios.
The right products for potency

Healthy eating habits invigorate the body, help maintain the health of the reproductive system, increase potency. Rational distribution of meals, well-designed menu - no problems with being overweight, balanced intake of nutrients, hormonal background favorable for a full sexual life.
Eat energy-giving foods for breakfast: proteins (scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs), fast and slow carbohydrates (cereals, pastries). A piece of cake eaten in the morning will be processed without harm to the figure.
Lunch: protein + fiber. Soups, meat or fish dishes with a side dish of cereals or vegetables, salads.
For dinner choosepotency productsthat are easily digestible. Plan your meal 2 hours before intimacy. The food will have time to be processed, the blood will drain from the stomach and saturate the genitals with nutrients.
- Eggs are rich in animal protein, fatty acids, vitamins A, E, B6.
- Lean meat, containing iron compounds and lysine, increases energy metabolism, enhances sexual activity. Exciting effect gives the smell and taste of the cooked product.
- Fish and seafood contain omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids involved in the production of testosterone.
- Arginine, present in nuts, accelerates the blood, enhances erection.
- In parsley, cilantro, spinach, there is a plant analogue of testosterone - androsterone. Parsley apigenin suppresses the production of female hormones in the male body.
- Consumption of garlic and onions - prevention of prostatitis, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system (natural antibiotic); stress tolerance; increased sexual desire and sperm production; improving blood circulation.
- Milk and dairy products are saturated with calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, B vitamins (enhance the conduction of impulses through the nervous system). Kefir, ryazhenka, cottage cheese are easily digestible, their daily use will not overload the digestive system and will have a beneficial effect on male reproductive function.
- For potency, fruits are useful as snacks throughout the day. Kiwis increase testosterone production; bananas increase stamina, improve mood, increase sexual self-esteem; citrus fruits - prevention of congestive and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, increased immunity; apricots have a positive effect on libido and the duration of sexual intercourse.
Enemies of male power

- The meat of animals grown on hormones to accelerate mass gain.
- Nicotine causes spasm of small-caliber vessels, the pelvic organs are poorly supplied with blood.
- Abuse of coffee negatively affects male strength. Caffeine destroys free testosterone.
- Alcohol in moderation is good for potency, as it helps to relieve stress and relax. With regular consumption accumulates in the body; due to the load on the liver, the production of male sex hormones slows down. Beer contains phytoestrogens - female sex hormones. The figure becomes friable, the beer belly and chest grows, the blood supply to tissues and organs worsens, the pelvis is heard.
- Men with a sweet tooth should reduce their sugar intake to 50 grams per day. An excess of glucose inhibits the work of nerve endings, which harms erections.
Usefulpotency productshelp maintain men's health. A single use of natural aphrodisiacs (hot chocolate, nuts with honey, oysters) before the night of love will give a positive, but short-term effect. For a stable result, you will have to switch to a balanced diet, go in for sports, minimize stressful situations, and get rid of bad habits.